This. Is. American Idol. Rat Pack style.
And everybody's sporting suits. Some a little, ahem, brighter than others.
And either it's Prom Night for the girl judges or they're dressing for the genre. Gotta give it up for a girl who likes a theme.
AND the mentor is....Jamie Foxx? Really, Idol? Really? Couldn't get Michael Buble, huh?
Kris - "The Way You Look Tonight" Oh bless it. These kids today just don't wear the tie clips, do they? Wow, Jamie Foxx is really complimentary of Kris. I think this song fits his voice and style so well. Swoon. Just sayin'. In it to WIN it, dawg!
Allison - "Someone To Watch Over Me" Happy birthday!! Ok, I might have to take back my initial reaction to Foxx. He's got some good advice. She knocked that out of the park. Although I think I'd like her, just ONE WEEK, to please sing something YOUNG. Not sure what that would have been this week, but still. And I'd like to ask Simon what 17 year old do you know that has the kind of confidence he's talking about? Or maybe that's just me channeling my inner 17 yr old. Never mind.
Matt - "My Funny Valentine" Ok, so if anybody could kick this theme's hiney, it's Matt. I figured he'd be at the piano where he's more comfortable. Might be a mistake. Not the strongest voice in the bunch. I'm not crazy about it. Is he pitchy? I don't know, but I'm very surprised at Simon's critique.
I really want some chocolate right now. Think I could talk Daniel into going to get Frosty's?
Danny - "Come Rain or Come Shine" Jamie's all in Danny's personal space. All up in his GRILL. That some kind of weird acting technique? How about some French cuffs and cuff links. And a pocket square. I think this is one of my favorite performances of his. I'd stand up and clap if I didn't have this dern laptop on my lap. (Burning the tar out of my thighs, I might add.) Bravo, buddy! Bravo! Hey! I understood everything Paula said! STELLAR!
He's making fruit smoothies instead. Oh well.
Adam - "Feeling Good" Can we just have ONE WEEK WITHOUT ALL THE SCREAMING? Ok, I'm expecting him to start stripping. Tell me you didn't think that when he's walking down the steps. Sorry. Anyway, I know he has a huge audience and he'll probably win, yada yada yada. Really, Randy? A little theatrical and dramatic? And Paula. I'm sure Michael Phelps loved that comparison. Or maybe he needs the positive press right now.
My fave of the night--- Danny and Kris
In trouble---Matt.
Go over to BooMama's to see other Idol recaps.