Some are random, silly things. Some, not so much. And a few pics thrown in just because.
--My 5 year old (as of yesterday!) was talking about a little boy who threw dirt at him and spit at him last night at Becca's softball practice. He said, "I wasn't mad. I just had on my regular face."
At first, of course, I laughed. How funny is that? My regular face. Then the lesson started to come. We'd just been doing a devotion using Resurrection Eggs. Today was the dice, signifying the Roman soldiers gambling for Jesus' robe. The devotion talked about Jesus praying for and forgiving the men who were making fun of him, beating him, and killing him.
So we talked about what you do when people are mean to you. And how like God to give us a real life situation the night before!
Hayes had on his regular face when a boy was mean to him. He didn't hit back, apparently didn't even get mad. Wish I could say the same for my reaction when I found out. (I wasn't there.)
--Can't stop thinking about a neighborhood kid who was here when we were sitting down for dinner tonight. With a very surprised look on her face, she said, "You all eat dinner TOGETHER?" Yes. "We don't. Some of us eat at the table, some in the living room, some upstairs." No judgement here. I just can't help think of what they might be missing.
--I didn't watch Idol yet and I'm not sure I will. I read BooMama's recap and it didn't seem like I missed much. Should I watch or just skip it?
--Beth Moore's book So Long, Insecurity is rocking my world. Anybody else?
--Eight days until girl's weekend at the beach with my bestie and our moms. CAN. NOT. WAIT. I need a vacation in the worst way.
--Sometimes happiness is a Star Wars tent and a Darth Vader candle.
**Edited to add: I have no idea why this video is so big. I tried to fix it but couldn't. You get the idea. ha!
--Sometimes it's THIS:
Word For 2020 (Video)
5 years ago
8 days!! I CAN. NOT. WAIT. either!! I appreciated Hayes's lesson for the day! See you soon girlfriend!!
Have fun at the beach...that sounds wonderful.
And Glee? My neighbor is having a Glee party on the 13th. I'm jazzed.
Love the pics! Oh my word, how can they be getting so big?!?!? Hayes' little smirk with his cupcake is just too cute!
Glad y'all will be in town this weekend! Are you going to a Good Friday service?
Yep, the regular face is harder and harder to come by sometimes. I hope he can hang on to that as he grows and knock the socks off of some kid that needs Jesus! He's so big!
Love the candle and the tent!
Have a good Easter and fun at the beach! :) JEALOUS!!!
What a sweet, sweet boy. A good lesson for all of us.
Are you going to OLakes? I will be there Monday through Saturday. I could cry I am so excited about it. I NEED IT so bad. Let me know if you'll be there then so I can see you!!!!
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