Tuesday, February 23, 2010

American Idol - Top 24 - Girls

Well, it's American Idol time.  Time for cute little Kris Allen and his Ford driving self to give up the title of YOUR American Idol.

Has anyone really missed Paula?  I haven't.  I think Ellen was a great choice.  She definitely brings the funny.  And I'm finding I don't really miss the crazy. 

It's funny Kara's talking about America knowing this group already.  I don't think I even know any names yet. 

Paige Miles - "It's Alright Now" I'm not loving this.  I didn't like the beginning but it's getting better.  Gorgeous eyes.

I'm loving that car that can record your CD's. 


Ashley Rodriguez - "Happy"  There were some good moments and some not so good moments.  Nerves, maybe?  She's such a pretty girl. 

Janell Wheeler - "What About Love"  Not sure she has the voice for this song.  I really liked her song in Hollywood with the guitar, so I hope she stays.  And I so want to put an "e" on the end of her name.  It just looks like it needs an "e".  Not that she cares what I think.  But still.

Lilly Scott - "Fixing a Hole"  I've never heard this song and I had to rewind my DVR twice to figure out the title.  That said, even though I think the song is as weird as the title, she did a good job.  I like her, so original.  I also had to rewind to hear what Simon said at the beginning of his comments.  What?

Katelyn Epperly - "Oh Darlin'"  Girlfriend has some hair.  Wow, that was great!  I liked it.  I think Randy needs a blue watch.

Haeley Vaughn -"I Want To Hold Your Hand" Although shouldn't it be "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"?  Apparently she's a fan of the headband.  I like this arrangement, although she's a little screechy at times. 

Lacey Brown - "Landslide" (aka The Girl They Let Go To Keep Megan Joy Last Season)  Big mistake. Big. Huge. (Name that movie.)  I just didn't like her and she was not very good in concert.     She's kind of all over the place.  Yikes.  I'm not loving that. In trouble. 

Seriously if you're not watching Glee, I have a question for you.  WHY??

Michelle Delamor - "Falling"  With that song, it could have gone bad quickly.  But I thought it was great.  And hey, what's a corporate singer?  Anybody?

Didi Benami - "The Way I Am" Ok, now I do remember her and I liked her singing Terrified.  I remember laughing at Simon liking the song even though Kara wrote it.  Speaking of Megan Joy she kind of sounds like her.  I like Didi's voice WAY better.  Love her.  And a shout out to grandma for making the sweater.

These Old Spice commercials are cracking me up.  "Did you know that I am riding this horse backwards?"  

Siobhan Magnus - "Wicked Game"  She has a great voice.  I might like this better than the original.  Definitely quirky girl.  

Crystal Bowersox - "Hand in My Pocket"  She's kind of in a league of her own, huh?  I really like her.  Aaaand I'm tired of typing. 

Katie Stevens - "Feeling Good"  All I can think of is me at 17 and then I just laugh.  And say bless my heart.  Who has that much confidence at 17?  Whoa.  I agree she needs to BE 17.  

I think Lacey and maybe Janell-no-e are in trouble tonight.   Not sure I'll be blogging tomorrow night since I'll be at my mom's.  But I'm going ahead and calling Casey James as a fan fave.  And by fan I mean girls. :)

Jen. Out.


Ashleigh said...

Enjoyed reading...but I am out for the season...Adam doesn't approve of the new judge choice and he wants us to show it by not watching!! Not that anyone cares! Or that it will make ANY difference! I did watch up until she showed up though! And I will still read your blogs about it!! ;o) Because it makes me smile to read your thoughts and get you!! ;o)

Sherri said...

Thanks for stopping by! I enjoyed your thoughts on last nights performances. We agree on lots of them so far! Should be an enjoyable season.

Jenna said...

Great Recap!! haha "shout out to her gramdma" Hilarious. I agree with you 100 Percent!! Except I think that Janell might stick around because of her auditon song...Casey James is my boyfriend...or at least that what my husband called him last night..ha!

Amy Bennett said...

Over here from boomama..but yes on Janell being in trouble and a BIG FAT YES to Casey James tonight. Can. not. wait!

Kendra Haneline said...

yay! i have been looking forward to these. i was half in and half out last night. nyquil kicked in pretty quick, but saw most of them. wasn't really blown aways by any of them.

Melissa said...

Ooh! I was struggling with who I liked. I mean, they weren't bad, but there isn't anyone that I thought just BLEW it away! Ya know? Cute recap... glad you didn't stop because you got tired. HA! Love ya!

Traci said...

i've missed this since last time!

Heather said...

SOOOOOO glad you are back "Idol Blogging!" I soooo agree with you. I lke DiDi and Paige. Oh- and Katie. But she better not peak too early (maybe that's why they were tough on her b/c I thought she nailed it) or else she won't win! I like Crystal too--now I'm off to watch the guys!

OH- and it's "Pretty Woman!!!" Love that movie!!!

Faith said...

Great recap! We haven't watched yet but have it tivo'd so hopefully we can catch up soon.

Have fun at your moms and tell her I said hi!