Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Uninteresting with a side of bor-ring

This week we have done nothing. Well we haven't actually done 'nothing' (pretty sure that was a double negative), but I guess it gets my point across. Because if we haven't done nothing, then we have done something. Right?

Ok, even MY eyes are rolling now. Anyway. I guess I should say we haven't done exciting, blogable (new word? I think so!) things this week.

Sure, we've gone to the pool. Twice. Now that's fun stuff people. Actually on Monday I swear there were 2, count 'em, 2 babies in the pool without swim diapers on. WITHOUT a diaper. In the pool. I saw those mamas put those babies in those little float things and I'm telling you, those little bottoms in those little bathing suits DID NOT have a diaper on them. I kept thinking, surely, SURELY, there is a diaper on that hiney.

And I just sat there. On the side of the pool. With my legs in the water. Letting my children swim in that pool. Cause I was in DENIAL. And really. Whenever you go to a public pool, aren't you always in denial? Otherwise you'd never leave your house.

So we've gone to the pool. And I've cooked every night. Which is a big thing for me. And I know it's only Wednesday, BUT STILL. And I totally count hot dogs on the grill as cooking. If it's food from my house and it involves some kind of appliance or heating-up-device, it's totally cooking. Sandwich. Not cooking. Nachos. Cooking. (you have to melt the cheese!). Cereal. Not cooking. Oatmeal. Cooking. See?

I'm thinking "Denial" might be a theme here.

Back to my nothing week. Gym twice. Wal-Mart once. Lifeway once. Oh, my new accountability group is starting a new devotion book this week. But we haven't started it yet, so I can't talk about that. Met with my new accountability group. Old friends, new level in our friendships. I'm excited. I need someone to be all up in my business, asking me if I've had my quiet time, what I'm learning, what I'm struggling with.

So that's pretty much my week so far. There are fireworks and parades in our near future, so the week only gets better from here.

And to reward you for making it all the way to the end, here's some cuteness just for you.


Melissa said...

OH! HAYES! My goodness he is so sweet I could just eat him. I have enjoyed being a part of your nothing week. AND can I tell ya that you are the only one I called from the side of the road? Other than my hubby? THAT makes you some kind of special in my book! :)

Valarie said...

Oh my word! SO CUTE!! Tell Daniel that singing obviously comes from him!! hahahahaha

Good to see ya Monday and yes I want my body back girl. You've borrowed it long enough! ;-)


Mulchy Mama said...

Sounds like a real eventful week! :) But doesn't it feel GREAT not to have anything on your agenda?! Love those days!

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

I'm totally loving your rules of cooking!! =)

And I gasp with you at those mommas!=) Although, I'm sure I've had a lot of momma's gasp at me. lol!!

MiMi said...

Tell Hayes I loved his singing! Maybe we can get him and Emma to sing a duet for the camera!
Hope you have a great week!

Lisa said...

Sometimes you need weeks like that. My life is like that most of the time. Why do you think I blog about such odd things?