Friday, May 9, 2008

And if it was an Olympic event, I'm pretty sure they could win gold

My daughter had her last night of Team Kid on Wednesday night. She got a bag of goodies for learning her memory verses, attendance, etc. Well. In that bag was a Whoopie Cushion. She actually knew what it was by the time I picked her up. I don't know if some other kid enlightened her or if that's just something kids are born knowing about.

And since Wed. night, that thing has provided hours and hours of hilarious and probably inappropriate humor around this house. And it's not exactly a good quality (seriously?) whoopie either. It's pretty much the equivalent of a plastic baggie and keeps ripping open. So it has been taped up so much I can't believe it still holds air. But lucky for us it still does.

And my 3 yr old absolutely thinks it is the funniest thing EVER. And he's a boy so you'd expect him to like potty humor anyway, right? He calls it the tooting game. THE TOOTING GAME!!! It makes me laugh every time he says it. And the "game" is basically blowing up the cushion, someone sitting on it, and kids rolling in the floor laughing for a few minutes. That's IT. Doesn't take much I guess. Here it is in it's beginning stages.

And suffice it to say I couldn't be more proud.


Faith said...

This is HILARIOUS!!!! I am dying laughing thinking about Hayes calling it the tooting game. I am sure y'all are having a good time over there!

amy alley said...

we are all about providing quality, family entertainment in the children's ministry @ hgbc. the pre-k and k classes got whistles in their goodie bags...i am not so sure those parents appreciate me right now ;).

JenB said...

Amy--In SS the other week, she got a recorder for knowing her Bible verse. And while I'm so proud of her for knowing her verses every week, the recorder almost got thrown out of the car on the way to lunch that day. Fun times.

Melissa said...

NO WAY! Hayes cracks me up anyway so this is just more ammo! You know, it's the little things in life that make the world go round! HA! SO funny!

Mulchy Mama said...

We, too, are whoopie cushion lovers. And, though it hurts to admit it, I have also taped them together for longevity.