Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Blogaversary to Me!

And only 3 days late!  Can you believe I didn't even know it was my one year blogaversary?  Only after I saw Faith's post on hers did I remember!  We started our blogs on the same day actually. 

A year ago we were on our 3rd month of traveling to Florida with Daniel for work.  We were there for 2 weeks at a time, January through March.  It was fun, stressful, lonely, and an adventure.  We went to Disney, the beach, Spring Training, the aquarium, and the mall (A LOT!)  The kids and I explored Clearwater and Tampa, found local parks and playgrounds, and every Chick-fil-a in the area. 

Looking back, it was a really cool opportunity for our family and I learned a lot about myself in the process.  And in the middle of it all, I decided to start a blog.  After calls to my buddies Melissa (who already had a blog) and Faith, I figured it out and started to blog! 

There were lots of sarcastic comments and teasing from my husband (you're shocked, I know!), but now he at least reads it and even lets me quote him

This blogging thing is kind of an odd thing to do and has turned out to be way more fun than I thought it would be.  I've met people I never would have otherwise and been challenged and encouraged and impressed by even people I already knew.

So I'm sure I should do a giveaway, right?  I've never done one before!  Oh, the pressure! 

Ok, how about a Starbucks gift card?  Anyone??  Just comment and I'll put your name in a hat and let one of my kids draw it out.  Cause I'm oh-so-techy and that's how I roll! 

(And don't think because you're my real life friend you can't enter the giveaway!  I think you're about the only people who read this thing!) 


Ashleigh said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! I have enjoyed every moment!! It is fun learning from you and keeping up with you in this way! Thanks for sharing your heart!! I love you.

Faith said...

Yippee!!! Happy Blogaversary girl. I love reading your blog and I'm so glad we jumped in this thing together =) It really is a lot more fun than I thought it would be and we have met some neat people through it!

And, I'm excited about the know I love me some S-bucks!!! I love you more though!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Hi! I'm hopping over from Faith's blog. =) Happy Blogaversary! And just so you know, giving away Starbucks is ALWAYS a good choice. =) I'd love a caramel frappucino! =)

Lacy said...

Im with Jacky...visiting from Faiths blog.....and loving learning about you. Precious pictures in your header and Im like random generator number for me...just a good ol ball cap. Anyway, nice "meeting" you and Ill be back. Happy Anniversary!!!

mommieof2 said...

Hey girl, congrats on a year. I have really gotten into this blog thing and its all because of you, faith and Melissa. Hope you guys are doing well.

Jenna said...

Happy Blogaversary, girl!!! I am so glad you started blogging. I am just going to HAVE to come ya'lls way soon so we can hang out!

Kendra Haneline said...

Love the Blogaversary name... very catchy. That's cool you are gonna do a giveaway... I should have thought of something like that. I've really enjoyed re-connecting with you through your blog. It a lot of fun to read!

MiMi said...

Girl, count me in for that Starbucks giveaway! I am sitting here with about 15 minutes left on my lunch hour agonizing over whether or not I can make it through the rest of the afternoon WITHOUT a Starbucks!

Happy Blogaversary to you! So glad you started blogging. I love your blog and love you more!

Melissa said...

Well, I am not much of coffee so don't enter me in the S-bucks giveaway, but I am really glad you started to blog and you do great! :) Love you!

Deidre said...

Happy Blogaversary!

So glad you decided to blog. It's a difficult thing to explain to people, but such a blessing.

Here's to another year!

Jennifer said...

Hi...just jumped over fromm Faith's blog - and, wow, a Starbucks card?? Perfect timing for me. Happy Blogaversary (is that really a word?!?!)

Anonymous said...

Starbucks, yummy! Happy anniversary!

Whitney said...

Happy Blogaversary! I came over to your blog from Faith's and I got to hers through one of my blog friends!
Here's to many more years of blogging!

Heather said...

Congrats and Happy Blogaversary!!! I am so jealous that you and Faith (and Melissa, too!) get to know each other in real life!!!

Traci said...

hip, hip, hooray! congratulations and happy blog-day! aren't you sweet to be doing a giveaway. i admit it, it took me a while, but thanks to you and 'the others' i came out of lurking and into this fun new web-world. you really can meet some interesting people. i look forward to reading for another year. tell 'b' hi for 'm'!

Doreen said...

Happy Blogaversary! Starbucks rawks!! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com

susan said...

Happy one year blogaversary. Read you AI post. I am a huge fan also and two from my hometown--Alexis Grace and Lil!!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Happy Blogoversary girl! I'm so glad you jumped in a year ago!

Starbux...very cool!

Jim and April said...

happy blogaversary! I love blogging! I will have to swing by your site now that faith told us about you!